"What words can express these Life gifts ?
So Deep- So Pure- So Powerful and Direct is the assistance you offer!
An immensity of attentive Love*Wisdom Presence.. which calls forth, remembers WiseLove Presence in all you touch. I thank you again for your purity, your open lovingness, and for all the great blessings you so freely offer . i am so grateful for your modeling of living in grace, and for all the realness and beauty you share and invoke.
My experience with your sessions: they are True Self HEALING concentrated.. More profound than hundreds of therapy hours, utterly potent, yet gentle, Life changing.. a face to face, heart to heart encounter with Young Woman God..and with one’s True Self.
People be prepared!!
Bless you forever Sasha for your genius Art of re-presencing us,
for your full-on, open-now aliveness and incredible attunement.
Alchemy of Love.. your name is true.
ps. I had a major miracle today Sashie, that grew out of the miracle I received in our Lovevolution day, and in my session..WOW!
Infinite thank yous" Sheya Jordan, www.wildeartharts.com April 2009
“Sasha~Star is an Ocean of Deep Nurturing. The Powerful Embrace of the Great Mother. Her Unwavering Presence is like a Heart Surgeon/Priestess. There's almost a Clinical Precision to her Intuition. Her Stream of Channelings and Loving Touch
kept me totally lucid throughout the session.
This allowed for maximum assimilation of the Magic and Medicine. Sasha~Star, in her Clear and Potent Innocence,
safely walks you to the growth edge of your wounds
and Surfs you Full Circle into your own Wholeness. Within ten minutes, I was a tear-drenched puddle of Cathartic Surrender.
What more can I say?
Do not miss an opportunity for a Sasha~Star Session!” -Thalyn Nikolau, Retreat Facilitator and Performance Artist,
"The Inspirates"& "The OHM Foundation". April 2008
* Special NEWs Announcement!!! * Brand New Website
+ NEWAlchemy Of LoveONLINEPackages
are in the process of being created and completed
Right Now!
Online Self-Study Courses, Private Programs and
many other wonderful New Packages
available very very soon at our new site: Akademia.:Love
Online Sanctuary for
Evolutionary Learning & Inspired Living
AKADEMIA.:LOVE Members LOGIN: https://www.jigsawbox.com/login/AkademiaLoveOnline (This is a current client members login only - BUT This new gem WILL be available to the public VERY SOON! Don't miss out on all the goodies! Be sure to get on our mailing list by filling in the box at the bottom of this page to get the latest updates on our official launch, and the latest greatest free gifts!) ___________________
~ Love Your Self ~ * ~ Love Your Life ~
~ Live Your Dreams ~ ~ BE The STAR You ARE! ~
LivingInLove.ca !
“Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it.” —Rumi
Thank You for Visiting the Web-Home of :
"Inspiring, Evolving & Awakening,
Through Learning, Living & Loving"
and, Alchemy Of Love's Founder...
Divine Feminine Mentor
Midwife-Healer and Guide for the Sacred Heart and Soul
Evolutionary Spiritual Teacher & Leader
Inspirational Heart-Opening Catalyst
Founder of 'Love In Motion' Movement & Meditation Journeys
Visionary Artist
Transformational Coach and Holistic Spiritual Counselor
Sacred Birth Guide
Women's Renaissance Facilitator
... and most importantly, 24/7 Loving Mother (aka SuperWoman!!!) ...
SASHA~STAR VERBRUGGEN a.k.a. Sasha Love a.k.a. Sashie !
"Bringing Love to Life!"
~oo enagh heyma aloha du si ne e nuesla~ * Lady~Love~of~Rainbow~White~Star~Light * "The Priestess Of Love"
I invite you Now,
to Pause...
Close your eyes... Take a Long Slow Deep Breath...
Feel your Body...
Feel your Heart... Be Still and Silent for a Moment...
and Listen... Do you hear your Heart whispering?
Can you feel The Calling
to Return Home
to Love?
It takes Courage to Walk the Path
of your Heart and Soul's Destiny.
You do not have to Journey alone.
Love will Guide your Way.
You are Here.
I am Here.
Love is Here.
With Faith and an Open Heart, keep going,
One Step at a time...
Until you Awaken to YourSelf,
and Realize that
The Love your Seek,
IS the Love You ARE.
In Addition to offering Magical Creations
and Divine Inspirations,
Alchemy of LOVE
Holistic Arts & Services
Provides Inspirational,
Educational, Fun & Transformational
Retreats, Workshops, Classes,
Private Sessions and More...
for Living In Love 'Now'!
* PLEASE NOTE: I am currently only accepting a VERY LIMITED number of clients. Please contact me for an application if you are interested in any of my services. Also, ONLINE packages are in the process of being created. Love!
What if Right Now, we Already ARE
the Love we seek, search and long for?
What if that Love is Right Here
just patiently waiting for us to notice it?
~ Self-Realization is the Answer that awaits
Within this Question's Reflection.
We Are Forever Free in Love.
~ "No one is ever away from his Self
and therefore everyone is in fact self-realized." Ramana Maharishi
Rainbow Love Goddess 2003 photo by Gail Hull
"The Dream of your Life has been dreamed from Eternity. You Belong Within a Great Embrace that urges you to have the Courage to Honor the Immensity that sleeps in your Heart. When you learn to Listen to and trust your Soul's longing, You will Awaken to the Invitation of Graced Belonging that inhabits the Generous Depths of your Destiny."
from Eternal Echoes by John O'Donohue
"The treasure of Unity is found by those who look Within.
Why not join your Spirit to the One who sits inside your Heart?"
Rumi ~
Sashie~Star specializes in
Creative Exploration,
Inspired Transformation
& Self-Realization
...for Our "LOVEvolution!"
The essence of Alchemy is the transformation
of lower and denser energy forms into infinitely valuable ones.
For example, base metals into gold, sickness into health,
boredom and stagnation into inspiration and liberation,
as well as fear, doubt, limitation and such,
into Light, Truth, Freedom and Love...
The Blank Canvas into the Masterpiece Work of Art...
Your un-fulfilled self, into the Big Bright Inspired
and Amazing Being you Know you were Born to Be!!! Alchemy of Love is my Inspiration
for Healing, Transformation, Evolution, Art, and Creation...
in SO many ways! It is my Passion, Purpose and Service
to Awaken and Inspire Humanity
to Love our Lives and Live our Dreams...
To Open our Hearts and Live In Love! Alchemy of Love is
Your Journey to Living as the Love you Truly are.
Sashie~Star delights in educating and facilitating evolution, healing, and personal growth & development through workshops and private sessions.
Her main focus is in helping us develop
Trust in our Awakened Heart,
so as to experience Compassion, Openness and Clarity in our lives,
for ourselves and each other.
She helps us let go of our heavy burdens, and reclaim our sense of Peace, Joyfulness and Curiosity. Her work is Deeply Healing, Highly Transformational, Positively Inspiring and Truly Empowering!
Sashie~Star works holistically, meaning she is ALL-inclusive, and present with One's WHOLE Self, as she works with us to be Free and Empowered to Love our Lives and Live our Dreams. She helps us Remember and reConnect with the Love we Truly Are.
Acting as a spiritual midwife so-to-speak, she is primarily passionate about coaching, counseling and supporting people through the Re-Birthing of themSelves. She specializes in Women's Renaissance, and greatly enjoys supporting the Divine Feminine by creating offerings especially for women's groups, through creativity, healing, spirituality, movement, ceremony and so much more...
As well, she brings an abundance of experience, wisdom and skills from her private holistic practice to her work as a Sacred Birth Guide and Doula, in which she assists, educates and empowers women and their families through the actual physical birthing process. With her philosophy 'Mama Knows Best', she offers a variety of sacred services for pregnancy, birth and beyond and is passionate about helping women reclaim their innate trust in the natural and beautiful process of birth, and experience it as the powerful initiation and rite of passage it is.
She is known for her awesome heart opening and sharing circles, and her ability to facilitate physical, emotional and spiritual exploration, expression, healing and liberation through movement, meditation, creativity and left/right brain experiential exercises and activities.
Sashie-Star's facilitation is fun, inspirational, educational, empowering and positively transformational! The space she creates is safe, sacred, beautiful and totally down-to-earth-comfortable. She guides us to trust and honor our selves, our bodies and our emotions...and most importantly, to set ourselves free to live from our hearts as our full potential! Her Loving Presence inspires us to Be Free and Empowered to Live in Love, no matter what. The classes and sessions she offers are at the same time formed, and formless. Her teachings and offerings are intended to be like maps for us, and if we choose to pay attention to them, we embark and continue on the most sacred journey of all:
The Journey Home, The Journey Within Self-
The Journey of Love.
"Sashie Star set up and managed the most powerful
social environment I have ever experienced. As I looked around the circle during my first session,
I realized and knew the beautiful truth;
that I have nothing to hide from any of these people
and they have nothing to hide from me. During a whole weekend of exceptional and beautiful
moments and experiences, The Lovevolution workshop
was the highlight; moving, memorable and liberating." - Jay Sanders, Prince George, B.C. September 2009
A highly creative, artistic and intuitive individual who is well-known for her healing arts and warm open-hearted nature,
Sashie~Star has many gifts to offer!
She invites you to discover her many services
and looks forward to assisting you
in any way that she can!
For more info,
please explore the many treasures of this website,
fill out the online form at the bottom of this page,
or contact Sashie~Star directly:
Email: sashiestar@gmail.com * please note: sashastar@livinginlove.ca is no longer in use.
PO BOX 56, Big Lake Ranch, B.C. V0L 1G0, Canada
"Inspiring Love in Being
Facilitating Love in Motion"
"Rocky Mountain Dream" by John Mason
* Thank you for understanding
that just like Life, and each of us,
this Web-Site too,
is a Work-In-Progress!!!
Creation in Process by Sashie~Star
Sit down and relax for a little while with a cup of tea,
and please do enjoy what all is here.
Many Gifts are waiting to Be discovered! And if you feel inspired, check back periodically to see what new information has been uploaded!
"Angel Falls" by Gilbert Williams
In Love & Gratitude,
Face Paint by Sasha-Star, PhotoShop by Forrest Boden 2005
"Love is the soul of the Universe, and this soul knows no bounds -
it embraces all people, all countries and all religions."
The great Sufi philosopher Ibn Arabi writes: "My heart holds within it every form...I follow the religion of Love and go whichever way his camel leads me. This is the true faith; This is the true religion."
"Some call you Love, I call you the King of Love. You are beyond all imaginings, taking me places I can't even dream of. O Ruler of my Heart, wherever you go... Don't go without me."
From Rumi, In the arms of the Beloved. Translations by Jonathan Star
Beach Heart by Sasha Star
Experience Living Life in Love!
~ "Sashie~Star is a very gifted and talented healer; her unique intuitive approach is outstanding. Her wisdom and healing knowledge make one believe that she is a reborn healer, back to this Earth to provide much needed help at this particular time. It is a privilege to know her and a blessing to receive her one-of-a kind healing. ‘Open Soul Surgery’ are the words that best translate her way of healing. Her compassion and love are emanating from everything she does." -Yves Vial, CST, Sound Therapy Center of Victoria. November 2004
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the Heart." Hellen Keller
image unknown
Falling softly, gently swirling, twirling, whirling and flowing
through Time, in this Eternal Moment,
Being and Dancing Home
in and through
the Divine Heart of Love.
Music and Love always there is
Here where the Beloved is,
And the Lover too, you are
So Be, so Just Be.
Come Inside;
be Welcome Within.
Tender, soft, clear, Be Here.
Heart Whispers Arise...
The sweet wind is whispering secrets
Listen to the Breeze...
Let Love make Light of 'you'
Love looks through eyes of Innocence
and sees itself
as Innocence
Live with Love, In Love, As Love.
Let go, and fall fully,
for only can you fall into
your own Beloved Heart.
Let it Be Simple.
Love is All. S~S
"How will you ever Know Peace unless you yield to Love?"
"A Soul in Love is Free of All worries."
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Simply fill out this form and click SUBMIT!
(Your details are respected and will be kept safe and confidential.)