Movement, Meditation & Self Exploration
Experience a Workout for your Body
AND your Heart!

Enjoy a deep surrendering of the mind,
an awesome opening of the heart,
and a beautiful experience of freedom beyond the mundane.

(Yes, Sasha~Star's formerly-offered ecstatic dance classes named
"Our Natural Rhythms" and "Dancing Our Divinity"
have Evolved and merged into this One! )

Sasha~Star provides On-Going Classes in
Creative Self Exploration and Expression
Based in Love Consciousness,
through the practices of
Ecstatic Dance, Movement & Meditation.


Come Dream and Dance and Explore
and Share and Feel your Heart Free and Open!

This class is all about our
personal physical, emotional, and spiritual
exploration and expression

through the use of various rhythms,
movement, meditation and stillness

We begin and complete class with opening and closing heart-sharing circles,
in which we have the opportunity to explore some of  
what we will individually and collectively be dancing and moving through.

* * *

Sashie~Star is the founder and creator ofLove’In Motion”, also known as “ Love I. M. !”,  which is an extraordinary Movement and Self-Awareness class intended to offer us a Genuine Space to Experience the Presence of Love, Within Us, Around Us, Through Us, As Us. During this class, we Feel Our Hearts Pumping and Alive in much more than just the physical sense; It is truly a Heart Freeing and Inspiring Experience!

In this class, we are guided to Be Fully Present with OurSelves, Exactly as We Are in the Moment, and Lovingly Embrace our Experience, whatever it is. Through Being with OurSelves and Each Other in this Loving Way, we also get to Witness and Experience Our Moment-by-Moment Transformation and Evolution. Together, We Experience Love in Motion as we Feel, Be-With, Move, Heal, Celebrate and Simply Allow our True Selves to Be.

In this Holistically Grounded Space, an Opening to Our Own individual Wisdom, Truth and Guidance is Lovingly Facilitated, rather than a discipline that is taught or imposed. We Are each our Own Masters and are encouraged to Experience Being Self-Empowered, Self-Responsible and Self-Directed, within the Loving Guidance being Offered. This is a place in which We Can Truly Surrender, where We Are Safe to Let Go and Allow OurSelves to Just Be, and to Just Move…to Deeply Feel what is moving Within Us, and to become Aware of what Within Us is ready to BE moved!

This class offers the Opportunity for Simultaneously Fulfilling and Liberating Experiences! We get to Embrace and Experience the Mystery we Are as we Receive this Invitation to Connect with Our own Love, Our own Natural Rhythms, and with Our WHOLE Selves-Mind, Body, Heart, Spirit, and Soul! We Allow OurSelves to Feel our Fears and our Dreams, and Be the Darkness and the Light, and Every Color of the Rainbow in between! This Dance is a Deep Surrendering of the mind, a Beautiful Experience of Freedom Beyond the mundane, and a True Experience of the Love we Are.

This class is about Tuning In to the Wisdom of our individual Hearts and Our Shared One Heart, and Experiencing the Love we Are, the Love I. M. , (Yes, the Love I AM!), which encompasses the Whole of Our Selves and Our Experiences. It is about our (Personal and Collective) Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Exploration and Expression through the use of various Rhythms, Movement, Meditation and Stillness. This is a Fun, Safe, and very Down-to-Earth Practical Experience, with its Roots quite Simply based in Foundations of Love and Consciousness.

So, Come Be Danced…at once as The Dancer, and as The Dance itself, as the Lover, and as the Beloved...as the Love I Am, You Are, We Are...and as the Love-we-think-we-are-Not too...All the parts of OurSelves that feel separate and disconnected, afraid, alone, angry and so on, every bit of us is included and honored here.
The ability to Breathe and the Willingness to Show Up are all that are required in this class; no experience is necessary and Anyone Can Do It! Yes, ALL fears and fancies are Welcome Here!

Practical Info:

*Weekly Classes are approx. 2 hours in length.

*Drop-In Fee is $11.

*Longer Intensives, special themes,
and Women's Only classes are also offered.

*Participants are encouraged to Bring a Water Bottle, Sarong or Light Blanket for cool down/guided meditation and a Journal if writing/reflection is desired.

*Class is Experienced in Bare Feet.

*Voices and Hand drums etc. are Welcome!

*Often, an additional Sound/Healing Class/Group Session
is offered following L.I.M.

**Class is held in a dimly-lit space, in which each individual's Personal Journey is the Focus, rather than a dance event at which to socialize. This is a class to gain confidence in your body moving to music in Whatever Way Feels Natural to You, or not even physically move at all, for the Intention is all about Your Own Natural Pace and Rhythm and Way to Honour Your Own Self’s Truth. In this class, we Give OurSelves and Are Given Space to Feel and/or Free inhibitions-without the use of substances. This class is designed to Give You Time to Feel and Experience Love, Focus on YOU and Explore the Inner realms of your Self, while at the same time... have Fun, Enjoy Unique Music, Be with Great People and get a Great workout!


Dance your Heart and Whole Self Free and Ride the Waves of Love!


For more Info, Times and Locations, and/or to RSVP, contact Sashie~Star @:
Alchemy of Love Holistic Services
voicemail: 250.888.8502 or 250.267.8287
email: sashiestar@gmail.com


Sasha~Star is the Foundress and Creatrix
of 'Love'In Motion'.
All Rights Reserved.


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